So today's topic is: Replica's.
So I'm sure many of you have been star strucked by the economy lately and most of you have been minimizing your trips to the mall, restaurants and all that other good stuff and hopefully you haven't been losing your car or house and if you are, best wishes to you. Since the economy has been going down hill many people have turned to replica's. But speaking of replicas it's not just ONE specific brand. There's MAC, GUCCI, BURBERRY, FENDI, CHANEL, LOUIS VUITTON, PRADA & COACH! That have been replica's. Ocasionally you will see ad's somewhere online saying that they have 24 MAC Brushes for $36.00 and your looking at the pictures but they look real to you. So you buy them but when they come through the mail you start realizing that they're fake MAC BRUSHES! I know what there's many of us who cannot pay $17.00 for an eyeshadow from MAC or someone who cannot afford to pay $690.00 for a Speedy 30 from Louis Vuitton. Yes ladies and maybe some gentlemen we have needs haha, I'm not really supporting the whole don't buy a replica thing because well we all want nice things right? But we can't go around buying fake replicas. But then again when you think about it, all those brands I named above have workers making these nice leather goods for you with high quality but not only does a purse/handbag/tote become part of your wardrobe it becomes part of life. Also, your paying a random person $65.00 or maybe even $180.00 for a fake purse, when all the credit should be going out to the companies listed above. Yeah they're expensive but save a little put some money into your piggy bank. DON'T buy replica's from random sites or people, and if you EVER decide to sell fake stuff it's ILLEGAL and you can get SUED or throwin into JAIL for it. && It's funny cause the companies have EVERY RIGHT to do so.
Thats real talk lol I hope.
The companies I have mentioned here have NOT paid me at all for posting this blog. I'm not affiliated with any of these companies. & I have not been given or bought any products i'm reviewing.
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